Further Reading
Never Exercise a Renewal Option
This paper explores what is at stake, common concerns, and proposes a competitive process to significantly improve outcomes.
How Do Landlords & Developers Decide Rental Rates to Quote?
Whether a ground-up development, an acquisition, or a long-term owned asset, how do owners and developers decide what rental rates to charge?
Read More How Do Landlords & Developers Decide Rental Rates to Quote?
Health System Strategy: Lease Versus Buy
What factors should be considered to choose the most appropriate form of occupancy? The “Lease versus Buy” decision can be sorted into two primary considerations, operational and financial.
Real Estate Considerations of Ambulatory Surgery Centers
One of the growing trends in health care systems nationwide is the emergence of Ambulatory Surgery Centers (ASCs) that provide patients and payers with more accessible and lower-cost treatment options for many procedures.
Read More Real Estate Considerations of Ambulatory Surgery Centers
Acute Vs. Ambulatory in Healthcare Real Estate
There are two distinct delivery methods in the construction of medical facilities that are currently in use by many of the major health care systems.
How to Get the Best Healthcare Real Estate Sites
In order to ensure optimum results, site selection processes should begin as far in advance as would be required to develop a new, purpose-built facility.